Informasjon og tjenester


Board committees

The Directors have established an Audit and Risk Committee, a Nomination and Governance Committee, a Remuneration Committee, a Sustainability and Culture Committee, and a Safety, Security & Operational Compliance Committee. The members of these committees are appointed principally from among the independent directors and all appointments to these committees shall be for a period up to three years, which may be extended provided the members continue to be independent. The terms of reference of the committees have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code. A summary of the terms of reference of the committees is set out below. Each committee and each director have the authority to seek independent professional advice where necessary to discharge their respective duties, in each case at the Company's expense.

Committee Members (c designates chairman) Independence
Audit and Risk Enrique Dupuy de Lome Chavarri (C), Phit Lian Chong and Anna Gatti 100%
Nomination and Governance William A. Franke (C), Barry Eccleston and Charlotte Andsager 67%
Remuneration Barry Eccleston (C), Anna Gatti and Anthony Radev 100%
Sustainability and Culture Charlotte Andsager (C), Anthony Radev and Andrew Broderick 67%
Safety, Security & Operational Compliance Committee Charlotte Pedersen (C), Andrew Broderick and Barry Eccleston 67%

Committee Terms of Reference